Stream of Light
It is not the most important thing if man is good or bad, but if he or she is, or is not. The stream of Light in man is often blocked by various... Grace of God Grace of God consists in impossibility to be hit by consequence of bad deeds when we radiate lighter, not in a go-as-you-please forgiveness of sins... Origin of the human being Having experienced various life situations in the material world, the spirit develops its knowledge and recreates itself. Origin of the human being... Good and bad The cross is a symbol of Truth; the level of your life (horizontal) will be proportional to your spiritual quality (vertical). The good and the bad... Medical herbs Healing power of medicinal herbs lies in their ability to create by law of homogeneity the bridge to life energy, which is blocked by disease. How the world came into existence out of nothing An explanation how the world came into existence out of “nothing”, which mean in this case a vacuum, materially "nothing".
In the Light of Truth
The book In the Light of Truth is fulfilment of Jesus Cristus promise of Truth bringer and the best source of spiritual knowledge we know... The Ten Commandments of God If The Ten Commandments of God had not important, God would have certainly given us other recommendations (how to shop or how to take insurance... A human word Water Crystals - evidence that words can significantly affect and influence irrefutably. Human body itself is composed of 70% of water. All we say... Fire, Water, Air, Earth Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. Fire, water, air, earth. The elements are essentially neutral. Good or bad character... Karma Karma is the natural result of free will, reaction for your actions; but it doesn't bring the unavoidable fate; in fact, knowledge of the karma law... Love of man and woman Perhaps the biggest mistake is to brand physical form of love between man and woman sinful. Love in its nature is only spiritual. Physical love... |